10 de noviembre de 2013

Install Dowser Program

"The Dowser program surveys a protein molecule's structure to locate internal cavities and assess the hydrophilicity of these cavities in terms of the energy of interaction of a water molecule with the surrounding atoms."

To install Dowser in a linux machine, you need gfortran compiler. Dowser calls g77 compiler, but apparently is obsolete. You need to create a copy in the /usr/bin path (or where gfortran is) of gfortran named g77 through:

$sudo cp /usr/bin/gfortran /usr/bin/g77

The next step is to download the Dowser program in:

Extract the file. A folder named dowser will appear. Then:

$cd dowser/
$sudo ./Install

The Dowser program will begin the install process. When it ends, you need to source a file called dowserinit. That file create the variables DOWSER and DOWSER_MACH, and also export the location of the Dowser program to your PATH. That file is written in csh:

setenv DOW_MACH sgi-mips4
set path = ( $path $DOWSER/bin $DOWSER/bin/$DOW_MACH )

I tried to source that file, but I got problem with the setenv command, because it can't be found. I tried to indicate that the file is in csh putting in the top of the file #! /bin/csh -f, but the commands still can't be founded. So I convert that file in a "bash style":


export DOWSER=/mnt/hgfs/Python/exe_linux/dowser
export DOW_MACH=linux

The final step is to source the dowserinit file through:

$source dowserinit

Thats all. The Dowser program will work fine. More info in  

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